Research Advisory Board

RAB Terms of Reference & Membership

The Research Advisory Board (RAB) provides the Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation (VPRI) with counsel on a wide variety of matters relating to the University of Toronto’s (U of T's) research enterprise. The RAB includes Vice-Principals, Research; Vice/Associate-Deans, Research; and Vice-Presidents, representing all disciplines on all three campuses and the affiliated hospitals.

Terms of Reference

The RAB is representative of the research enterprise across U of T's campuses and hospitals. It is not intended, nor feasible, to include delegates from every research unit or discipline.

  1. Appointment to the RAB is made by the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Strategic Initiatives, with advice from the President and Provost. It is advisory to the VPRI.
  2. The RAB will be the leading venue for discussion, advice, and guidance on the strategic research issues and directions of the university.
  3. The RAB will address all aspects of the research enterprise across U of T campuses and hospitals including basic and applied research, knowledge translation, commercialization, and industry and community relations.
  4. The RAB will play a leadership role in liaison on research and commercialization matters with federal and provincial governments and their agencies.
  5. The RAB will provide advice and guidance on U of T’s strategic international research activity and presence, in the context of the university’s overall international strategy.
  6. The RAB will advise on the use of effective performance indicators that describe the differentiated position of U of T as a research-intensive university and communicate these to various stakeholders.
  7. The RAB will advise on the formulation and implementation of an effective communication strategy for research at U of T.
  8. The RAB will strike subcommittees, task forces and specialty groups of various types, from time to time, to facilitate the implementation of its activities.


Leah Cowen
Vice-President, Research, and Innovation, and Strategic Initiatives
Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation

Members as of 1 January 2025

Joshua Barker
Dean, School of Graduate Studies and
Vice Provost, Graduate Research and Education

David Brennan
Associate Dean, Research
Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work

Renée Brost
Chief Administrative Officer
Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation

Elspeth Brown
SSHRC Leader, Associate Vice Principal, Strategic Initiatives
University of Toronto Mississauga

Judith Chadwick
Assistant Vice-President, Research Services
Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation

Timothy Chan
Associate Vice-President and Vice Provost, Strategic Initiatives
Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation, and Provost

Tim Corson
Acting Associate Dean, Research
Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy

Ken Corts
Vice Dean, Research, Strategy, and Resources
Joseph L. Rotman School of Management

Brenda Cossman
Associate Dean, Research
Faculty of Law

Erica Di Ruggiero
Acting Associate Dean, Research,
Dalla Lana School of Public Health

Stark Draper
Vice-Dean, Research
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering

Barbara Fallon
Associate Vice-President, Research
Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation

Lori Ferris
Associate Vice-President, Research Oversight and Compliance
Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation

France Gagnon
Vice-President, Research
University of Toronto Mississauga

Alison Keith
Director, Jackman Humanities Institute
Faculty of Arts and Science

Mark Lautens
NSERC Leader; Professor of Chemistry
Faculty of Arts and Science

Morris Manolson
Associate Dean, Research
Faculty of Dentistry


Kelly Metcalfe
Associate Dean, Research and External Relations
Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

Alison Mountz
Acting Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation
University of Toronto Scarborough

Derek Newton
Assistant Vice-President, Innovations, Partnerships and Entrepreneurship
Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation

Nasim Niknafs
Associate Dean, Research
Faculty of Music

Justin Nodwell
Vice-Dean Research and Health Science Education
Faculty of Medicine

Michele Peterson-Badali
Associate Dean, Research,
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

Matt Ratto
Associate Dean, Research
Faculty of Information

Stephannie Roy
Executive Director, Strategy and Office of the Vice-President
Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation

Sean Thomas
Associate Dean, Research,
John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design

Dale Turner
Academic Adviser on Indigenous Research
Division of the Vice-President and Provost

Tania Watts
CIHR Delegate; Professor, Department of Immunology;
Faculty of Medicine

Tim Welsh
Associate Dean, Research,
Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

David Wolfe
Acting Associate Vice-President, International Partnerships
Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation, and International

Joe Wong
Vice President, International
Division of the Vice-President, International

Brad Wouters
Executive Vice-President, Science and Research, University Health Network;
Professor, Radiation Oncology Faculty of Medicine

Stephen Wright
Vice-Dean, Research and Infrastructure
Faculty of Arts and Science