On this page:
- SciNet is a high-performance computing (HPC) consortium of the University of Toronto and associated research hospitals, serving the computational needs of Canadian academic researchers
- SciNet is Canada’s largest supercomputer centre, providing Canadian researchers with computational resources and expertise necessary to perform their research on scales not previously possible in Canada
- Its mission is to provide computational resources, specialized support and training to any Canadian academic researcher
- SciNet Computing Resources include: Niagara, Mist GPU cluster, High Performance Storage System (HPSS), SciNet4Health sensitive data computing facility.
- SciNet Education delivers a training and education program towards SciNet's Scientific Computing Certificate, Data Science Certificate, and High Performance Computing Certificate
- For course materials for all the classes and courses taught by SciNet see SciNet’s Education Site
- Act as the administrative centre for SciNet
Daniel Gruner
Daniel Gruner
Chief Technology Officer
SciNet High Performance Computing Consortium
(416) 978-2922