Derrick Rossi Innovation Awards

What do I need before I can begin?

No information is required to begin. Please reach out to the Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation (VPRI) contact listed below if you have any questions.


Working to bridge the gap between academic research and market-ready innovations, the new Derrick Rossi Innovation Awards provide funding of up to $300,000 over two years to support proof-of-concept research projects focused on accelerating the implementation and/or commercialization of high potential, cutting-edge research, with the promise of significant socio-economic impacts. They will provide crucial support to recipients seeking to transform innovative ideas into marketable solutions, driving technological progress, and fostering a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.


Headshot of Doctor Derrick Rossi A renowned scientist, innovator and entrepreneur, Dr. Derrick Rossi has made extraordinary contributions to the global public good, through his groundbreaking research and successful translation of discoveries into new healthcare treatments and products. He is the co-founder of Moderna and a serial entrepreneur helping turn research discoveries ranging from genome editing to RNA biology into successful therapies.

Dr. Rossi’s research focused on stem cells, particularly whether specific molecules could be modified to relay genetic code to human cells. His breakthrough discovery was understanding how to reprogram a cell to bypass bad genes and mutations; then, in theory, allowing treatment of a large range of genetic disorders.

The commercialization of Dr. Rossi’s mRNA and stem cell research and his public service, both to the University of Toronto (U of T) community and the broader public, has saved the lives of millions of people worldwide and increased public knowledge and trust in vaccines. Dr. Rossi is both an alumnus of the University and, in 2023, was awarded an honorary degree from U of T.


Successful projects will have strong socio-economic or commercial potential, enabling the research or technology to make a positive impact on society.

Applicants can request up to $300,000 per project. Applicants requesting more than $100,000 will require strong evidence of a significant value inflection point , including the potential to attract partnerships, additional grants, and the strong potential to attract additional investments (e.g., letters of support).

How to Apply

For full details on the application process, deadlines, and access to the application forms, see the Derrick Rossi Innovation Awards (A UTORid is required to view the page).


  • Oversee all aspects of the Derrick Rossi Innovation Awards and the delivery of its support to the U of T research community.

VPRI Contact



Laurent Moreno

Innovations & Entrepreneurship Manager
Innovations & Partnerships Office (IPO)
(416) 946-0594