Reporting to Sponsors

What do I need before I can begin?

The original Research Funding Agreement and the corresponding University of Toronto Research Account (UTRAC) provide information that is pertinent to the reporting process.


Most sponsors require regular financial and project updates through formal reports. Reporting requirements for a particular award will be confirmed upon finalization of the award and summarized on the University of Toronto Research Account (UTRAC) established by staff working with the division of the Vice President, Research & Innovation (VPRI).

All financial reports should be prepared by the Research Oversight Compliance Office (ROCO), specifically by the Research Accountant noted on the UTRAC. Only ROCO should submit financial reports to the Sponsor on behalf of the University of Toronto (U of T) to ensure proper completion of financial reports. If there is any financial information to be included within the research reports to be submitted to the Sponsor, please coordinate with the Research Accountant assigned on the UTRAC to ensure both the research report and financial report document contain identical financial information.

In cases where the Principal Investigator (PI) is asked to submit a research report which includes financial information through the Sponsor’s web portal, please have the financial information reviewed by the Research Accountant responsible for the fund prior to submission.

For more details with respect to reporting to sponsor, you can visit U of T’s Guide to Financial Management, Reporting to Sponsors section.


  • Prepare and submit financial reports to the sponsor as per the terms & conditions noted in the agreement

VPRI Contact

Please contact the Research Accountant assigned on the UTRAC related to the research grant. You can find the appropriate VPRI staff member to assist you by searching our staff directory.