Network of Partners & Memberships

What do I need before I can begin?

To access a specific institutions’ resources, please see the details for each partner below.


The Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation (VPRI) manages memberships and partnerships with a range of institutions, facilitating access to valuable services and resources.

Hospital Partners

The combination of the University of Toronto (U of T) and nine partner hospitals affiliated with the university creates one of the world’s largest and most innovative health research clusters. This network facilitates collaborations between health researchers, graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows.

info-graphic of university hospital partners


Institutional Partners

U of T also maintains a number of institutional memberships and shared resources to assist Divisions and researchers with advocacy, outreach and community building.




Canadian Urban Transit Research & Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC)

CUTRIC supports projects that develop the next-generation of low-carbon and ‘smart’ mobility and transportation technologies for Canadians.

U of T contact: Glaucia Lima, Business Development Officer, Industry Partnerships, VPRI


CBR Canada logo


Community-Based Research Canada (CBR Canada)

CBR Canada is a catalyst in the community-campus engagement movement. Their goal is to build an inclusive and open network, engaging already existing networks, to build support for community-campus partnerships, community-based research and community engagement.

U of T contact: Jeremy Knight, Director, Research Development, VPRI


Logo for Compute Ontario


Compute Ontario works with funders, service providers and other partners to ensure that Ontario researchers have access to advanced computing, research software and research data management services, tools and experts.

This partnership and its resources are managed at an institutional level.


Logo of Digital Research Alliance of Canada


Digital Research Alliance of Canada serves Canadian researchers by integrating, championing and funding the infrastructure and activities required for advanced research computing (ARC), research data management (RDM) and research software (RS).

Please see Digital Research Alliance of Canada Accessing Resources for detailed instructions on accessing their services.




India-Canada Centre for Innovative Multidisciplinary Partnerships to Accelerate Community Transformation and Sustainability (IC-IMPACTS)

IC-IMPACTS is dedicated to the development of research collaborations between Canada and India.  Their vision is to develop and implement community-based solutions to the most urgent needs of each nation.

U of T contact: Glaucia Lima, Business Development Officer, Industry Partnerships, VPRI


LSO (Life Sciences Ontario) logo


Life Sciences Ontario (LSO)

LSO fosters commercial success for Ontario's life sciences sector through advocacy and education, and promoting the industry locally, nationally, and internationally.

U of T contact: Arij Al Chawaf, Executive Director, Strategic Initiative Development, VPRI


Mitacs logo



Mitacs supports research-based innovation and works closely with partners in industry, academia, and government.

U of T contact: Glaucia Lima, Business Development Officer, Industry Partnerships, VPRI


N2 Network of Networks logo


N2 Network of Networks (N2)

N2 is an alliance of Canadian research networks and organizations working to enhance national clinical research capability and capacity.  N2 provides member access to the CITI Canada Education Program, which consists of comprehensive courses on a variety of research-related matters.

Use your address to create a U of T affiliated account at CITI Learner Registration


OBIO (Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization) logo


Ontario Bioscience Industry Membership (OBIO)

OBIO works to further the commercialization of Ontario’s human health science companies through strategy, programming, policy development and advocacy.

U of T contact: Kristy Reynald, Business Development Officer, Industry Partnerships, VPRI


SOWC (Southern Ontario Water Consortium) logo


Southern Ontario Water Consortium (SOWC)

SOWC advances Ontario’s leadership in the development and adoption of innovative water technologies and processes.

U of T contact: Glaucia Lima, Business Development Officer, Industry Partnerships, VPRI


UIDP logo


University-Industry Demonstration Partnership (UIDP)

UIDP supports university-industry collaborations by developing and disseminating mutually beneficial strategies.

U of T contact: Glaucia Lima, Business Development Officer, Industry Partnerships, VPRI



  • Develop and maintain partnerships and memberships with selected research and innovation institutions in order to provide U of T with access to valuable resources and support

VPRI Contact

Please see above for the contact for each institution or find the appropriate VPRI staff member to assist you by checking our staff directory.