Entrepreneurship at U of T

What do I need before I can begin?

There are no prerequisites to learn about or get involved in entrepreneurship.


The U of T Entrepreneurship community is Canada's leading engine for research-based startups and a global leader in transforming ideas into products and services that create jobs and impact the world. More than 650 companies have been launched from U of T, outpacing every other Canadian university and generating more than $3 billion (CAD) in investment in the past 10 years. In 2022, UBI Global ranked U of T Entrepreneurship in the global top 10 university-managed incubators in the world.

Building on our world-class research excellence and exceptional talent, our growing community of entrepreneurs is creating the innovative companies and jobs of the future. The U of T Entrepreneurship community provides a comprehensive suite of entrepreneurship resources and initiatives that help our innovators take their early-stage ideas and turn them into prototypes and market-ready products and services.



  • Provide support to the U of T Entrepreneurship community to start, facilitate and grow successful entrepreneurial and social ventures

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Other Resources

ONRamp > Become a member of our co-working space

Resources for Startups > A list of helpful organizations, guides and resources from U of T and external partners

U of T Startup Directory >Learn more about our featured startups

IP Education Program >Learn more about creating and protecting intellectual property