
Protocol Submission Deadlines & Who to Submit to (Human Research)

Need to find human ethics guidelines (e.g., informed consent, student participation, data privacy, etc.)?  Please see Human Ethics Principles & Guidelines.


Submission Deadlines

Delegated review: The deadline for delegated review is every Monday (or first business day of the week) by 4:00 PM. For submission instructions, please see Submit a Human Ethics Protocol.

Full board review: Submission due dates for full board review are determined by the respective Research Ethics Board (REB). Please submit your protocol through My Research Human Protocols (MRHP) well in advance of your intended start date.

The MRHP submission process is complete when all supervisor and chair/dean approvals have been received and the protocol has been sent onwards to the Research Oversight & Compliance Office-Human Research Ethics Unit (ROCO-HREU) MRHP Inbox. Researchers are responsible for determining timing of their submission to allow sufficient review time.

Research Ethics Boards

Human ethics protocols are reviewed by University of Toronto (U of T) REBs, based on the departmental or faculty affiliation of the principal investigator.

Please review the information listed below for submission deadlines.

Social Sciences, Humanities and Education (SSHE) REB

Chair: Professor Jayne Baker
Manager: Dr. Dean Sharpe
Departments covered: All disciplines in the social sciences, humanities, education (OISE/UT) and applied sciences

Upcoming SSHE REB Deadlines and Meeting Dates

Due Date for Full Board Submissions Meeting Date
July 8, 2024 July 17, 2024
No meeting in August 2024
Sept.9, 2024 Sept.18, 2024
Oct.7, 2024 Oct.16, 2024
Nov.4, 2024 Nov.13, 2024
Dec.2, 2024 Dec.11, 2024
Jan.6, 2025 Jan.15, 2025
Feb.10, 2025 Feb.19, 2025
Mar.10, 2025 Mar.19, 2025
Apr.7, 2025 Apr.16, 2025
May 5, 2025 May 14, 2025
June 2, 2025 June 11, 2025
July 7, 2025 July 16, 2025
No meeting in August 2025

Health Sciences REB

Chair: Professor Michael Atkinson
Manager: Daniel Gyewu
Departments covered:

  • Medicine (all departments)
  • Applied Science & Engineering
  • Nursing
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Social Work
  • Kinesiology & Physical Education
  • Dentistry
  • Public Health

Upcoming Health Sciences REB Meeting Dates

Due Date for Submission Meeting Date
No meeting in August 2024
August 30, 2024 September 10, 2024
September 27, 2024 October 9, 2024
October 25, 2024 November 5, 2024
November 22, 2024 December 4, 2024
December 23, 2024 January 14, 2025
January 31, 2025 February 12, 2025
February 28, 2025 March 11, 2025
March 28, 2025 April 9, 2025
April 25, 2025 May 6, 2025
May 23, 2025 June 4, 2025
July 4, 2025 July 15, 2025
No meeting in August 2025


  • Provide solutions to business issues regarding submissions
  • Advise on the submission process

VPRI Contact


Mariya Gancheva

Research Ethics Coordinator - Human Research Ethics
Research Oversight & Compliance Office (ROCO)
(416) 946-3273

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