Environmental Health & Safety: Training & Certification

What do I need before I can begin?

No information is required to begin. To learn more about EHS programs and services, please visit Environmental Health & Safety.


The Office of Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) offers numerous courses to support and facilitate research activities as well as to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and legislation.

If you are conducting research in a laboratory, an office environment, in the field or off-campus, a range of safety training is available in-class or online that covers how you can protect yourself by working safely.

Some EHS training and certification is mandatory and must be completed before the research can begin. To determine the courses you must complete before commencing work with hazardous agents, please refer to the training matrix for lab personnel or the training matrix for admin and facilities staff.

EHS offers training in the following areas.

  • Basic health and safety awareness
  • Biosafety
  • Cannabis Research
  • Ergonomics
  • First aid certification
  • Joint Health and Safety Certification
  • Laser safety
  • Radiation safety (sealed and open sources)
  • Respiratory Protection Training
  • Transport of Dangerous Goods (Chemical)
  • WHMIS and Lab safety
  • Working at heights
  • X-ray safety

For information on Transport of Dangerous Goods (Biologicals) training, contact ehs.biosafety@utoronto.ca.

If you need guidance on which courses are required or appropriate for your work, please contact the relevant EHS staff via EHS Contact Us.


  • Provide laboratory specific and general safety training and awareness

VPRI Contact


General Inquiries: EHS Course Registration

Environmental Health & Safety (EHS)
(416) 978-4467

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