Please Note
The federal government has implemented new research security requirements which take effect May 1, 2024. These new requirements impact all new funding applications to the Tri-Agencies and Canada Foundation for Innovation that involve conducting research aimed at advancing a sensitive technology research area. For more information, please see New Requirements for Federal Funding - STRAC
Please be advised that funding opportunities include relevant research security requirements.
For information on different funding sources, see the U of T Funding Opportunities Database.
For information on grant application requirements pertaining to cyber and data security, contact the Research Information Security Program team or see Information Security.
The Research Security Team (RST) supports researchers throughout the grant application process. The goal is to support a smooth and successful grant review.
The RST can assist researchers in different ways while they are in the process of preparing their grant applications, including conducting due diligence on corporate partners and external grant research team members and providing advice on completing any funding opportunity research security forms, such as the following.
- Tri-Agency Attestation for Research Aiming to Advance Sensitive Technology Research Areas under the Sensitive Technology Research and Affiliations of Concern (STRAC) Policy
- CFI Attestation for Research Advancing Sensitive Technology Research Areas under the Sensitive Technology Research and Affiliations of Concern (STRAC) Policy
- The National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships’ Risk Assessment Form under the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships (NSGRP) form
- Application Attestation Form for Researchers Applying to the Ontario Research Funding Programs as part of the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) process
- Mitigating Economic and Geopolitical Risk Checklist for Ontario Research Fund Applications as part of the Ontario Research Fund (ORF) process
Complete this STRAC Questionnaire to determine if research team members have an existing affiliation with NRO entities and are required to complete individual attestation forms.
When conducting due diligence reviews, the RST replicates the type of analysis granting agencies may conduct to identify potential concerns. Should concerns be identified, the RST will provide advice to the researcher on how to address them prior to submission, including assistance crafting appropriate mitigation strategies.
Researchers can contact the RST at any point during the funding application writing process for assistance with research security considerations.
Researchers are also encouraged to contact the RST early in any partnership development process or grant application process for assistance. See Minimize Risks When Establishing Partnerships for more detail.
Applicants should note internal deadlines for grant applications and allow sufficient time for the review. The RST cannot guarantee that applications submitted on short notice will be reviewed prior to submission to the granting agency.
The RST also assists researchers if the granting agency identifies any research security concerns that require information after a funding application has been submitted but prior to a funding decision being rendered. This process may include submitting an official attestation document that requires approval by designated university leadership.
There are three distinct processes that may apply to funding opportunities posted by the Tri-Agency (Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)), the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)), and the Ontario Research Fund (ORF).
In some cases, more than one process may apply to a funding opportunity. Funding opportunity literature will indicate which processes apply, if any.
For more information on each process, please see the following.
- Policy on Sensitive Technology Research and Affiliations of Concern (STRAC): This federal policy applies to research team members who are named in a Tri-Agency or CFI grant application that advances a sensitive technology.
- National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships (NSGRP): This federal policy may apply to research that includes one or more private sector partners. For information on applicable grant programs and guidance on completing the NSGRP form, see the following.
- Mitigating Economic and/or Geopolitical Risks in Sensitive Research Projects – Government of Ontario: This provincial process applies to research team members applying for most Ontario Research Fund (ORF) grants and Early Researcher Awards (ERA). For more information, please consult the Research Security Guidelines for Ontario Research Funding Programs and the U of T Guidance on Completing the Mitigating Economic and Geopolitical Risk Checklist and Attestation Forms.
- Tri-Agency Attestation for Research Aiming to Advance Sensitive Technology Research Areas (Government of Canada)
- CFI Attestation for Research Advancing Sensitive Technology Research Areas (Government of Canada)
- The National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships’ Risk Assessment Form (Government of Canada)
- Application Attestation Form for Researchers Applying to the Ontario Research Funding Programs (Province of Ontario)
- Mitigating Economic and Geopolitical Risk Checklist for Ontario Research Fund Applications (Province of Ontario)
- STRAC Questionnaire for determining a researcher’s NRO affiliation status and attestation form requirements
- U of T Guidance on Completing the NSGRP Risk Assessment Form
- U of T Guidance on Completing the Mitigating Economic and Geopolitical Risk Checklist and Attestation Forms
- Provide support in conducting research security due diligence and partner vetting
- Provide guidance and support with research risk assessments and attestation forms
- Provide outreach and training on best practices for safeguarding your research
- Communicate updates on research security requirements
General Inquiries: Research Security
Application Attestation Form for Researchers Applying to the Ontario Research Funding Programs >(Ministry of Colleges and Universities)
Mitigating Economic and Geopolitical Risk Checklist for Ontario Research Fund Applications >(Ministry of Colleges and Universities)
Research Security Guidelines for Ontario Research Funding Programs >(Ministry of Colleges and Universities)