International Research Security Standards

What do I need before I can begin?

No information is required to begin.


Many international jurisdictions are implementing research security measures as part of their partnership and granting processes, particularly in the United States and Europe. Researchers are encouraged to consult with their international partners to understand any research security obligations and relevant international definitions. If you require additional assistance, please contact the Research Security Team (RST) at the VPRI Contact listed below. The following is a non-exhaustive list of resources on international security standards.


United States

The European Union (EU)

United Kingdom



Global Resources



  • Provide support in conducting research security due diligence and partner vetting
  • Provide advice on international research/service agreements
  • Provide advice on industry/sponsored research agreements
  • Provide advice for international visiting faculty, PhDs, and post-doctoral fellows in collaboration with other central University of Toronto offices

VPRI Contact
