Divisional Quantitative Research Strategic Plans

What do I need before I can begin?

  • Ensure that preliminary discussions regarding the long- and short-term goals for the Division has included relevant stakeholders.  To enable collaboration and discussion of divisional goals, all options of the DQRSP template can be found in this DQRSP Worksheet.
  • Ensure that you have access to the VPRI Dashboards or contact the Research Analytics Team to gather historical data
  • Ensure you have been approved for access to the DQRSP template. Please ask for your supervisor’s approval and then complete and submit the DQRSP Template Access Request Form


University of Toronto (U of T) divisions are expected to complete and submit the Divisional Quantitative Research Strategic Plans (DQRSP) annually. These plans will outline key strategic objectives from each division to equip the Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation (VPRI) with a better understanding of institutional strengths, areas of planned growth, and supports required as we work to foster our culture of excellence in research. Annual submission will enable flexibility as both institutional and divisional priorities broaden. Divisional plans should be submitted using the DQRSP template which incorporates core metrics aligned with institutional priorities and other priorities of importance for each respective Division.

For additional information, please see the DQRSP Guide or contact the Senior Strategist, Research listed in the VPRI Contact below.

Core Divisional Metrics

Core metrics are institutional priorities for which quantitative figures are available in the VPRI Dashboards. Divisions are encouraged to develop their DQRSPs with at least two priorities that align with the institutional priorities. Recognizing that each Division is unique, and departments and units have distinct scholarly strengths and priorities, additional research metrics can be added to the DQRSP template to enable goal setting in other areas that Divisions wish to focus on for growth.

Key Annual Deadline

  • Divisions should develop their Strategic Research Plans annually and are expected to submit updates via the DQRSP template by May 30, 2025.

DQRSP Template

The DQRSP template will provide dropdown menus for Divisions to identify institutional and other metrics to prioritize for growth in their annual plans. Using historical data, available in the VPRI Dashboards or from the Research Analytics Team, Divisions will be able to determine both a short term (1 year) goal and strategize toward a long-term plan.

The DQRSP template will ask for specific goals, quantifiable targets and timelines, and actions to support the goal. An example is given below.

Example Goal 

Divisional Strategic Objective:

  • Increase our support for transformative, peer-reviewed research that inspires innovation

Institutional Area of Focus:

  • Research Funding

Goal (quantifiable target & specific timeline):

  • Increase annual NSERC funding by 11.5% = $36M per year in 2023

Historical data to support the goal:

  • Divisional NSERC funding 2020-21: $30.6M per year
  • Divisional NSERC funding 2019-20: $28.8M per year
  • Divisional NSERC funding 2018-19: $26.2M per year

Actions to support the target:

  • Expand the current internal grant review process to strengthen grants prior to submission, including support for budget development
  • Expand grant and business development officer support to identify strategic opportunities and support proposal development
  • Expand our mentorship programs for early career researchers and support grant writing and partnership development

Further examples and logic models are provided in the DQRSP Guide.

What You Need to Know

How often do I need to complete a DQRSP?

DQRSPs are expected to be submitted only once per year.

What if I wish to make changes to my plan after it has been submitted?

For any changes, please contact Senior Strategist, Research, listed in the VPRI Contact section below.

Can I include metrics that are not currently in the template or found in the VPRI Dashboards?

Core metrics are institutional priorities for which quantitative figures are available. Divisions should include at least two from these categories in their DQSRP. Recognizing that each Division is unique, and departments and units have distinct scholarly strengths and priorities, we encourage additional research metrics if divisions wish to set other quantitative goals. The DQRSP template allows for additional, customized metrics to be added.

Forms & Downloads

*For strategic research officers in central divisional offices


  • Ensure divisional and institutional strategic plans are aligned
  • Serve as the liaison between divisional users and VPRI
  • Prioritize requests for new metrics to be included in the DQRSP template
  • Provide training and ongoing support to U of T community for use of the DQRSP template
  • Provide resources for research administrative staff to help divisions meet targets laid out in their Strategic Plans
  • Provide training and guidance in the use and development of institutional research metrics

VPRI Contact


Senior Strategist, Research

Office of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation (OVPRI)