Procurement Policies

What do I need before I can begin?

Review the Procurement Services website, specifically regarding Competitive Procurement.

Review U of T’s Procurement Policy, as all sponsoring agencies specify that this policy must be adhered to when spending research funding.


This Procurement Policies page does not deal with the expenditure eligibility in accordance with the sponsoring agency’s spending policy. For information regarding eligibility, please see What Qualifies as an Eligible Expense for a Research Award?

Procurement Using Research Funding

As a public sector institution, the University is required to abide by legislation governing procurement in Ontario’s broader public sector.  Procurement Services has established a number of tools and procedures, based on the value of the intended acquisition, to ensure that items are purchased in the most transparent and accountable manner possible.

For more details on these tools and resources, please see Procurement Services’ Tools, Templates and Forms.

When making purchases using research funding, all parties (i.e. Principal Investigators, Business Officers, Financial Administrators, Project Managers) to the purchase must be in communication to ensure Procurement Policies are followed. Please see Research Procurement for more details.

For questions regarding university procurement processes, it is best to contact Procurement Services directly.


  • Provide guidance about eligible expenses under the terms and conditions of a sponsored research award.

VPRI Contact

Find the appropriate VPRI staff member to assist you by checking our staff directory. You may search by discipline area (e.g. Social Sciences, Health & Life Sciences, Natural Sciences or Engineering, etc.) or funding agency name.