VPRI Dashboards

What do I need before I can begin?

For research and financial administrators at a central divisional research office, please ask for your supervisor’s approval and/or contact your division’s Research Data Expert, then complete and submit the Dashboards Access Request Form. For departmental research and financial administrators, please contact your division’s Research Data Expert to get instructions on the process for gaining access.


The Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation (VPRI) Dashboards are a research data analytics solution, which seamlessly integrates a variety of data sources into one platform. Developed with a user-centric approach, the VPRI Dashboards enable self-service data analysis for data-informed decision making.

The VPRI Dashboards are considered the single source of information for University of Toronto (U of T) research data reporting exemplified in the VPRI Annual Report, Research Funding Report, and many other internal and external publications.

Dashboards Data Sources

The VPRI Dashboards consist of the underlying data mart and the Tableau data analytics and visualization tool. The data mart is built from several university systems including RIS, HRIS, FIS, and Minuet through a complex data curation and integration procedure that ensures data quality and data governance.

The VPRI is partnering with U of T’s Enterprise Applications and Solutions Integration (EASI) team and collaborating extensively with all U of T divisions to ensure the Dashboards are continuously updated and expanding. In addition, Research Analytics & Data Advisory Representatives (RADAR), from each U of T division, contribute to the VPRI Dashboards through monthly meetings, testing new features, and overseeing access for their division.

Dashboards Uses

The VPRI Dashboards allow users to do the following.

  • Measure volume and status of research funding applications received at the VPRI
  • Analyze and compare funding received over the last 10 years within all units/departments in a division
  • Provide information on the U of T's share of the national tri-agency funding, participation rates, and success rates
  • Create custom reports using Ad Hoc Reporting Tool (ART) in Tableau
  • Track innovations data on disclosure, licenses, patents, and startups formed at U of T

Data captured in the VPRI Dashboards is for internal use only and should not be published or distributed in any form. Dashboards users are expressly and only granted access to the VPRI Dashboards and data to assess research and innovation activities specifically related to their academic division, and for an official, approved institutional purpose. Requests to publish or distribute your academic division data can be made to researchinfo.analysis@utoronto.ca.

Dashboards Data Access

The VPRI Dashboards are built in Tableau with pre-set filters and visualizations that allow users to quickly view, analyze, and download data. They are accessed from a SharePoint site along with additional information such as news on updates, training, and more.

The VPRI Dashboards team provides monthly training on the dashboards and Tableau. There are also tips, videos, and how-to guides on the Dashboards site.

If you have an account, please log into the VPRI Dashboards.

For publicly available data, see Explore Research by the Numbers.

Forms & Downloads

* for research or financial administrators in central divisional offices


  • Lead the VPRI Dashboards team
  • Ensure data quality and data governance
  • Serve as the liaison between the Functional Users Group (FUG) and VPRI
  • Gather and prioritize requests for new metrics and reports from across U of T
  • Develop, test and roll-out dashboards
  • Update the VPRI Dashboards monthly
  • Provide training and ongoing support to U of T community