Associate Professor/Professor - Quantum Materials for Quantum Information
April 11, 2022
The Department of Physics in the Faculty of Arts and Science at the University of Toronto invites applications for a full-time tenure stream position in the area of Quantum Materials for Quantum Information. The appointment will be at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor, with an expected start date of July 1, 2023.
Successful candidates may also be nominated for a Canada Excellence Research Chair in Quantum Materials for Quantum Information, valued at one million dollars (Canadian) per year for eight years. The Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERC) program is intended to support world‑renowned researchers and their teams in establishing ambitious research programs at Canadian universities. Nominees to the CERC opportunity will be internationally leading researchers whose proposed research program aligns with one or more of the Government of Canada’s Science, Technology and Innovation priority areas.
Applicants must have earned a PhD degree in Physics or a related area, with a clearly demonstrated exceptional record of excellence in research, service, training, and teaching. We seek candidates whose research and teaching interests complement and enhance the existing strengths of the Department of Physics (see The successful candidate will be an internationally recognized research leader in the discovery of new quantum materials, and/or platforms, that are relevant to topological quantum computing, whose accomplishments have made a major impact on the field and/or societal impact. Candidates will be expected to sustain and lead innovative research that will advance the global frontiers of knowledge in the field, and to maintain an outstanding, competitive, and externally funded research program.
Candidates must provide evidence of research excellence, which can be demonstrated by a record of sustained high-impact contributions and publications in top-ranked and field relevant journals, the submitted research statement, presentations at significant conferences, distinguished awards and accolades, evidence of impact on the field and/or societal impact, and other noteworthy activities that contribute to the visibility and prominence of the discipline, as well as strong endorsements from referees of high standing.
Candidates must also possess a strong demonstrated record of service to the research community (e.g., service on peer review committees, faculty recruitment committees, advisory committees) and a demonstrated record of attracting and mentoring a diverse group of students, trainees, and research personnel, and establishing an equitable and inclusive research environment. Nominees to the Canada Excellence Research Chairs Program will be expected to develop and implement a plan for establishing and maintaining a diverse team and an inclusive research and training environment.
Evidence of excellence in teaching will be provided through teaching accomplishments, the teaching dossier submitted as part of the application (with required materials outlined below), as well as strong letters of reference. Salary and rank will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
The Department of Physics recognizes the legitimate impact that leaves (e.g., parental leaves, slowdowns due to illness or disability, impacts of COVID-19) can have on a nominee’s record of research achievement. These leaves will be taken into careful consideration during the review and assessment of application materials.
The successful candidate will complement and have the opportunity to collaborate with the vibrant research groups in the Department of Physics, and with the University of Toronto’s growing group of researchers working in Quantum Science and Technology. The research setting at the University of Toronto is further enriched by the Centre for Quantum Materials, the Centre for Quantum Information and Quantum Control, the Quantum Stream in the Creative Destruction Lab, and the Vector Institute. Computational facilities include SciNet, the most powerful university-based advanced research computing facility in Canada. The Canadian Federal Government has recently announced a major nationwide investment in a National Quantum Strategy, and the successful candidate may be eligible for this exciting new funding initiative.
All qualified candidates are invited to apply online by clicking the link below. Applicants must submit a cover letter; a current curriculum vitae; a research statement outlining current and future research interests; one recent publication; and a teaching dossier to include a strong teaching statement, sample course materials, and teaching evaluations. We seek candidates who value diversity and whose research, teaching and service bear out our commitment to equity. Candidates are therefore also asked to submit a 1‐2 page statement of contributions to equity and diversity, which might cover topics such as (but not limited to): research or teaching that incorporates a focus on underrepresented communities, the development of inclusive pedagogies, or the mentoring of students from underrepresented groups.
Applicants must also arrange to have three letters of reference sent directly by the referee via email (on letterhead, dated, and signed) to by the closing date.
Submission guidelines can be found at Your CV and cover letter should be uploaded into the dedicated fields. Please combine additional application materials into one or two files in PDF/MS Word format. If you have any questions about this position, please contact Mr. Christopher McGugan at
All application materials, including reference letters, must be received by Monday, May 16, 2022.
In order to meet the Canada Excellence Research Chairs Program timelines, the University of Toronto must select and confirm the nominee in advance of the registration deadline of September 15, 2022, with a full nomination package submitted to the Program by October 13, 2022.
The Canada Excellence Research Chairs Program does not impose any restrictions regarding nationality or country of residence of the nominee. However, given the Program’s focus on the attraction of outstanding researchers to Canadian institutions, the Department of Physics will prioritize the nomination of those candidates who currently hold an academic appointment outside of Canada.
The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons / persons of colour, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ2S+ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.
As part of your application, you will be asked to complete a brief Diversity Survey. This survey is voluntary. Any information directly related to you is confidential and cannot be accessed by search committees or human resources staff. Results will be aggregated for institutional planning purposes. For more information, please see
The University strives to be an equitable and inclusive community, and proactively seeks to increase diversity among its community members. Our values regarding equity and diversity are linked with our unwavering commitment to excellence in the pursuit of our academic mission.
The University is committed to the principles of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). As such, we strive to make our recruitment, assessment and selection processes as accessible as possible and provide accommodations as required for applicants with disabilities.
If you require any accommodations at any point during the application and hiring process, please contact
For further information on the Canada Excellence Research Chairs Program, including eligibility criteria, please consult the Program website.