

What do I need before I can begin?

  • The public DiscoverResearch site can be accessed by anyone
  • To create a profile on DiscoverResearch, please contact to ensure you meet eligibility requirements. If you are eligible, then you will need your UTORid to log in to Elements.


DiscoverResearch is the place to find U of T's research experts.

At the University of Toronto (U of T), our faculty conduct research that has impacts across a broad range of disciplines. DiscoverResearch is a new online tool to highlight, celebrate and promote all of our research experts to help spark discovery, connection and collaboration.

Faculty can use this tool for the following.

  • Showcase their research and expertise – highlight artistic performances, compositions, podcasts, videos, etc.
  • Signal availability for media requests, graduate student supervision, industry and academic collaboration, etc. Identify other academics for collaboration opportunities
  • Leverage automated data from trusted sources – publications, grants, awards, etc. – from TSpace, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, RIS, and more
  • Download up-to-date CVs and activity reports, and integrate with the Canadian Common CV (CCV) soon!
  • And much more!

Join DiscoverResearch and help us shape this exciting new tool for U of T.

Get Involved

To learn more about DiscoverResearch, please read our About Guide and Get Started Guide and join us at an upcoming monthly DiscoverResearch Lunch & Learn. Registration is through the Centre for Research & Innovation Support’s EVE registration system.

To get started with your profile, please log into Elements with your UTORid and visit our Community Support Site for tips and tricks. If you have any questions, please reach out to our implementation team at

Forms & Downloads


  •  Manage and support DiscoverResearch

VPRI Contact


Project Manager (OVPRI; TBD)

Project Manager
Office of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation (OVPRI)

Other Resources