Enhance your knowledge about research administration at the University of Toronto (U of T). This comprehensive workshop focuses on essential components of the U of T research funding application and management processes. Topics include:
- Basic concepts of research administration, through the application to award completion stages
- Differences between major types of funding
- Understanding the roles and offices involved in supporting research excellence
- Basic guidelines for determining research expense eligibility
- Essential policies, regulations, and frequently used documents
- An overview of My Research (MR) systems
- Valuable resources, contacts, and supports
Ideal for newcomers to research administration and useful for more seasoned staff. All staff involved in research administration are welcome, including (but not limited to!) Divisional Business Officers, Strategic Research Officers, Business Development Officers, Partnerships Officers, and Faculty. Enhance your skills and connect with the resources you need for success!
Key Takeaways:
- To enhance your understanding of research funding administration at the University of Toronto, explore the following sections of the VPRI website:
To improve your knowledge about My Research and how to use it effectively, find resources and support at My Research System Help & Support. To get support on a technical issue experienced while using a My Research system, contact the RAISE Helpdesk at 416-946-5000 or
The FAST team offers a wide range of resources to support research administrators, such as:
- GTFM (Guide to Financial Management) policy interpretation for research expenses
- FIS training (Live, virtual training sessions and eLearning courses)
- The Knowledge Centre
Explore FIS training for a full list of resources and the FIS training calendar!
Completing the online ROCO Research Needs Assessment Tool form is an easy way to ensure faculty get connected to the appropriate ROCO (Research Oversight & Compliance) staff for support in regulatory compliance.
- The RFRA (Research Financial Reporting & Audit) team is responsible for preparing research financial reports for approval by a Principal Investigator or their delegate.

- Drew Gyorke, Director, Agency & Foundation Funding, Research Services Office, VPRI
- Loredana Polidoro, Manager, Partnerships, VPRI
- Nadia Saracoglu, Research Systems Technology Manager, VPRI
- Olga Ledeneva, Director, Research Financial Reporting & Audit, VPRI
- Rames Paramsothy, Senior Business Analyst - Training, Financial Advisory Services & Training (FAST), Financial Services
- Scott Wilson, Research Compliance Manager, VPRI