Understanding the VPRI: An Overview of the VPRI's Units & Functions


Delivered On: January 26, 2022

This orientation session introduces you to the units and teams of the Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation (VPRI) and the research administration services they offer. The session consists of:

  • High-level overviews of each unit/team: VPRI's Chief Administrative Officer, Renee Brost, presents an overview of the VPRI service landscape to help participants understand the ‘big picture’ of existing services
  • Focused breakout sessions: Breakout sessions, presented by VPRI senior staff, cover specific VPRI services in more detail

Key Takeaways:

  1. For an overview of VPRI’s range of teams and the services they provide, see the VPRI’s Organizational Structure
  2. VPRI has a detailed and searchable staff directory listing each unit’s main services and the specific help areas offered by each team and staff member. Don’t hesitate to reach out when you need help

Session Videos: